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Stoneware Pipes Plant

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This plant established at Vridhachalaam, Cuddalore District during 1962 at a capital cost of Rs.12.90 lakhs was taken over by TANCEM from TACEL during 1989. With additional investment the total capital cost comes to Rs. 124.60 lakhs. Continuous Chamber Kiln was put up during 1994 with a view to expand its Capacity to 600 MTs per month and reduce the cost of production. This unit provides direct employment to 72 people and indirect employment to 100 people .

This product is manufactured and marketed both to Government Sector and Public. This is used mainly for Drainage purpose. Chennai Metropoliton Water supply and Severage Board is the major consumer.

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Alangulam Cement Works, Ariyalur Cement Works, Asbestos, Cement Mfgrs, Pipes, Salt Glazed Stoneware Pipes, Stoneware Pipes Plant, Tamilnadu Asbestos Sheet Plant